Tuesday, February 23, 2010

100 Days

The Kindergartners celebrated their 100th day of school by....
.....bringing 100 of something (Zach chose hugs and kisses and wrote out 100 x's and o's)
....writing his numbers from 1-100 (seen below)
....receiving a 100 piece treat bag (I would have prefered him to receive a 100 calorie snack pack)
.....parading around the school and yelling as loudly as they wanted "Hip Hip Horray it's our one hundredth day!)

His favorite part, of course, was getting to parade and yell through out all the classes in school. Other students were allowed to join the procession if they so desired.

1 comment:

  1. 100 day at school is not my favorite day usually but this year the kindergartners earned different toppings for ice cream, cookies to decorate and games to play. We usually have to come up with three different 100 day projects because I have always had three kids in elementary school. This year it was only Cody's class that did anything.
