Tuesday, September 29, 2009


I remember liking boys as early as preschool. I remember a specific conversations with a friend about a boy named Zach who had promised to marry us both.
Later I remember boys doing tricks and stunts at our (my group of girlfriends) bidding to try and impress us.
So I shouldn't be surprised that both Zach and Ethan have shown interest in girls at such a young age. For instance my boys have never once suggested to play house or babies or anything like that on their own. However, whenever a little girl friend is around and suggests it they are totally willing to do so.
Also during the second week of school Zach came home and sighed, "I hope I get to sit next to Lana soon." "Why?", I asked. "Because I just love her voice."
Wouldn't ya know the week he's assigned to sit next to her she was out sick half the week.
Then today Zach explained that during cooking time he couldn't sit next to Anya but across from her and how that was just as good as getting to sit next to her.
Ethan's love interest right now is our cute neighbor Nyah.
Not only can she persuade him but I use her too. I can get him to do or not do things with a no seeing Nyah consequence.
Zach has kissed Nyah in the past, while playing house, but has shown her no interest for several weeks. So I hope down the road there is no brotherly feud.
So when Ethan came home from playing with Nyah yesterday I was only slightly shocked to see this.....
I casually said, "Oh so you've got marker on your face."
He and Nyah, at her suggestion, painted each other's faces.
Luckily it was washable and came off later while swimming at the pool.

Monday, September 28, 2009

11 Month Magic

This little mama's boy is magic!
He can make anyone smile. Everyday I think he can't possibly get any cuter and then
he does.

Two days before our trip he got his first ear infection. The Dr. gave him a two day dose of Zithromax to knock it out before we left the country.
Mid trip he did have another slight fever but seemed fine.
You never would have known his two top teeth finally broke through during our trip because he was so happy. I am so glad because vegetable baby food is hard to come by. I've tried making it from scratch but he, like his brothers, just spits it out and cries. With more teeth we have the option of more things.

He REALLY wanted to share peoples drinks.
He also learned to clap and will do it whenever he sees others doing it.
He likes to test gravity with food from his tray and pounds on it if he wants more. When he's done he starts spitting or I say he's done if he starts. He has been pulling himself up to stand for a while but has not tried to walk.

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Glad To Be "A Little Bit Crazy"

When we told people we planned on taking our boys to Budapest and Prague with the DOGs (Daharan Outing Group) the reactions were mixed and not always encouraging. After taking my 3 small boys half way around the world by myself then taking them on days trips for 2 months mostly alone it seemed only reasonable that Chris and I could take them to Europe for 9 days.

DOG tours can be fast paced and I agree that some of the trips they organize may not be suited for kids but we decided to risk it and this was the result!

I felt like the negative comments issued a challenge and was determined that everyone have a good time. My biggest fear in having the kids there was that their behavior might ruin the trip for others.
I'm pleased to say that did not happen.
Were the boys perfect angels the entire trip.......absolutely not.
Did we hear everything the tour guides explained.....not even close.
Were meal times pleasant experiences.....not always. (We only cleared a restaurant once.)
Are Fanta and chocolate bars a good breakfast at the airport....not really.
Are two sets of extra clothing in your carry on luggage enough....not all the time.
Did the boys provide comic relief.....often.
Does Ethan have a bladder the size of a walnut....oh heavens yes.
Does touching private parts of statues provide good luck....Europeans believe so.
Are Leap Frogs, Lego, and iPhone movies necessary....of course.
Is our most rambunctious child also the one who stole every ones hearts......apparently.
Would we do it again tomorrow....in a heart beat!

The family time was priceless and we all enjoyed ourselves. As Chris and I pushed the strollers over cobble stone streets we soaked in the fall sun and reveled in the architecture and history.
Upside to a tour group:
Excursions are planned out for you.
You can opt out if you don't want to go on a portion of it.
Transportation provided.
No car rental/getting lost hassles.
You make new friends.

Downside to a tour group:
You are on a schedule and not keeping it affects others.
It's hard to keep big groups together.
Sometimes the things you want to do aren't on the itinerary.
Dinners can be lengthy and late.

There is nothing like exploring a European city for the first time. We started with rain and ended with rain,which none of us desert dwellers minded, and had perfect weather in between.
Budapest......was such a surprise.

We really knew very little about Hungary before arriving. It is a complete mix of old and new. Much of it had been destroyed during WWII but many building have been restored to their former life.

This was the spectacular view from our room but this picture does it no justice.

This is a city FULL of monuments and statues commemorating everything from famous Generals to playing catch with your dog.

Buda on the left and Pest on the right.

The stunning walls in St. Matthias medieval church were hand painted.
The boys kept scaring people because they just couldn't help themselves when it came to looking over the walls of Fisherman's Bastion.
Chris toured this neo Gothic Parliament with the group our first afternoon. I let the boys have some down time to recover from our overnight flight playing Legos and swimming in the hotel pool. After that day I vowed to not miss anything else unless absolutely necessary.
When not posing for pictures this guy would hijack my camera. I think I deleted over a hundred pictures that he took of feet and buttocks.

In a quaint artists village called Szentendre there was an incredible Marzipan shop. It is a confection made from almonds and skilled craftsmen can create just about anything with it.
It made for a SWEET treat.
These table decorations and purses are made entirely from wild mushrooms.
I am not sure how but they were really cool, but not cool enough to purchase.
I loved the hand painted eggs that this region of Europe is known for.

We spent one evening at the famous Szechenyi Baths. These are thermal pools ranging in temperature from pleasant to roasty toasty. There were 3 main pools, one for play, one for laps, and one for still relaxation. The first had a fun whirlpool that would spin you around. The 3rd was so peaceful old men were playing games of chess while standing in the water. Needless to say this was a highlight for the boys.
Our last morning we went to a flea market and happened upon.....
Vintage Legos!
Zach hardly put the space ship down for 3 days.
After an awesome lunch in small cafe we walked back to the hotel, loaded up, and took a short flight to.......

Whichever way you want to call it I am so glad this Jewel of a country is no longer kept inside a Communist vault.

It has treasures to behold on every corner.
A view of Hradcany Castle from the orchard above.
Not only was the architecture amazing but the frescos were fantastic as well.

After watching the changing of the guard we visited St. Vitus Cathedral were St. Wenceslas was laid to rest.

After this long day of touring the boys needed some serious play time. So we left the group and venture out on our own.
The next morning we ventured out to the country side to visit Castle Cesky Sternberk. It has been updated many times over. I thought the coolest part was this family tree mural on the wall.

We then spent a sobering afternoon in the Jewish quarter. After visiting a museum with wall after wall after wall of names of holocaust victims Zach was adamant that he did not want to visit Terezin, a model concentration camp, the next day. We thought that might be a bit much for the boys so.....
we had a family day of our own visiting....
the famous Astronomical clock.
Every hour the windows open and the 12 Apostles circle by as the four statues below move in time with the chimes.

We ate yummy cinnamon bread.

Weaved our way through a mirrored labyrinth.

And popped ginormous soap bubbles in Old Town Square.

Our last evening we dined on traditional Czech food in a 15th century brewery while listening to polka music.
It was the perfect way to end our trip.
So I'm glad to be just crazy enough to venture out with ALL my boys
to make memories such as these.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

I Can Breath

It's Interesting How Life Seems To Be All or Nothing.

For the last 10 months we have all been adjusting to our new lives....
without Grandparents
making new friends
exploring a new country
eating strange foods
living with less and living with more
walking everywhere
crossing the globe and not going anywhere
doing without and making do with what we have

Last night, unexpectedly, after many months I have found PEACE with this whole crazy adventure and am starting to see reasons why the Lord allowed us to start this journey.
I never doubted the answer we received to come here a year ago when this all started but there have been moments where I second guess myself about things....but not anymore. Sorry I'm not going into more detail than that.
I think the biggest adjustment for me has been not having continual family support....meaning rare dates with my husband or time for myself.
I have loved Zach being in school and now that Ethan is gone in the mornings as well......I feel like I can BREATH. I am getting my workouts in and getting little moments with just Graham and then this ANGEL just fell into our lives...

Ms. Ellen is from the Philippines. Her husband who has lived here for many years had surgery and she needed to come help for the recovery. Now he is doing better and back at work she is bored, bored, BORED.
No longer is that the case. She asked me to call her anytime and she comes and plays with Graham or watches the boys. She has come enough that Graham is starting to get comfortable with her and she is WONDERFUL with him.

She has been super helpful especially while I've been preparing for our trip.
Her Visa will end sometime in October but she and her husband are trying to decide, and if Aramco will allow, if she should stay as now her children are grown.

When I thank her for all she does to help me she just says, "It is my duty as a RS Sister to help you in any way I can." I told her to email her RS Pres. and tell her she's doing her VT. Her response was Compassionate Service too.

So I went from a constantly FRENZIED mom to aaaahhhh (sigh of relief) to only an evening time frenzied mom.

Soon we are off to complete something on my

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Math Games

On our way out the door Ethan showed me how he could hop on one foot while saying,
"Hopping on one foot helps me do math."
"Is that because you count each hop?" I asked.
He replied, "No, I count my talents."
How silly of me. Yes you are one extremely talented young man and I'm soooo very glad your mine!
Lately his talents include being super helpful with dinner prep and clean up. This boys got M&M's on the mind. He is definitely looking for service opportunities.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Table Manners

Teaching our boys proper table manners is an ongoing process. Over the years we have addressed the following concerns:
  • It is not o.k. to throw plates, cups, or silverware at the table or anyone sitting at or around the table.
  • It is not o.k. to tip over full drink glasses for fun.
  • No banging silverware on the table. After Ethan took a chunk of glass out of our last table we decided to get one that looked a little more distressed. The boys keep asking why the table already has marks in it, upset that they didn't personally get to put them there.
  • Shirts are NOT napkins.
  • Belching accidentally happens but the extended full abdominal push ones are not polite and excuse me doesn't counter balance the grossness.
  • It is not necessary to cry, fuss, and whine for 30 minutes before even trying a bite of dinner and deciding you do indeed like it.
  • Climbing on the table is not considered dinner entertainment.
  • Prayer must be said before the meal is consumed.
  • Taking bites out of others food (ie sandwich) then eating your own lunch is not o.k.
  • Licking the salt shaker top is not hygienic.
  • Butter is not a main course.
  • Dessert such as this is not offered to those who do not finish their meal.

But tonight Zach reached a whole new level of uncouthness at the table. After finishing his meal he stand on his chair and begins to pull both pant and underwear down for inspection. As the rest of us are still eating Chris and I choke out WHAT ARE YOU DOING!? His response was that he was checking for liquid gas. We plead with him to pull his pants back up and try to help him understand that you never say things like that at the table because it's no ones business to know and if you need to check then just please excuse yourself and do so. With in minutes he hops down and says "Excuse me I have to check my business."

About 5 minutes later just as the rest of us are finishing up he comes prancing down the hall in a T-shirt and completely bare bummed asking everyone to check out his new tail. He had stuck toilet paper in his bum crack and had a long line of it trailing behind him. We gave one of those parental, THAT IS TOTALLY INAPPROPRIATE LOOKS AND COMMENTS as we are really trying to stifle the laughs.

Friday, September 11, 2009

Motivational M&M's

When I potty trained Zach I began with the "Potty Train in a Day Method" which actually took about 6 months. It was a very frustrating time and the bad mom came out a lot. We would be in the bathroom and I would ask him if he needed to go. His response was always no then he would proceed to step out onto the carpet and pee. I think the combo of new house/new carpet/new baby brother was not a good mix. I was one of those "I'm not going to give my child candy as a reward moms." However, after the hugs and kisses and the happy potty dance reward didn't work I thought well maybe a baking size M&M would be alright. And alright it was, one for pee and three for poop and IT WORKED!
Ethan mostly potty trained himself by watching Zach but I was also more relaxed and used Pull-Ups a lot more. He did need a little encouragement and it came in the form of Gummy Bears.

Now I often find myself immediately doling out the highest consequence possible to get the fastest result...but that doesn't always work and frustration levels increase on both sides. To reign myself in and in hope of helping the boys with some behavioral issues we created the
(I am not above paying them for good behavior but they took the M&M thing on first bite. Maybe when that wears out well move on to cash.)

Each morning the boys get 5 M&M's
If any of the below behaviors are demonstrated one M&M is taken away.

I picked the 3 worst at the moment for each to work on and it will change with time. Now if one of the boys is abusing the other and the victim does not retaliate they earn the M&M that was taken away.
Now on the flip side 3 M&Ms can be earned for any act of service, sharing, playing nicely, reverence during family prayer, and if they obey the 1st time we ask.
I wanted something visual they could see they were earning and that it wouldn't take long to get. They get to eat their earnings at the end of the week during popcorn and a movie. Zach totally crushed Ethan in the earnings the first week. The total was significant but I still don't think it even amounted to one full regular size bag. I do have to say the bad behaviors only somewhat improved this first week however, the service and helpfulness increased quite a bit so I do call that a success.
Now I just need a way to help the boys be reverent in Sacrament meeting. It seems like the older they get the worse they are not better.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Preschool Curriculum

We tried to convince our Preschool dropout to give it another go this fall. With all the Kindergarten excitement we thought he might want to try it....
but it's been a NO GO all summer.
Our first day of HOME preschool we talked about
The letter A
Days of the week
The month of September
Read about the Acorn in Chicken Little
and lastly on Ethan's insistence we had a lesson on ......
How to Blow a Bubble with Bubble Gum.

Many of you are probably wondering why with Ethan's history would I allow him gum.
Well, he is a boy full of surprises and one of which is that he loves gum and has always chewed it responsibly.
After a bit of chewing it was still not ready so he took a coloring break.

Finally the right consistency.

After a detailed demonstration from me and about 2 minutes of trying he gave up and said, "O.K., What's next?" I responded that we were done for the day.
He was so ticked and felt that I was an ill prepared and incompetent teacher and stated,
"I want to go to REAL preschool!"
I got up and ran, not walked, but ran to the phone to see if Ms. Mai had any openings left.
Yahoo she did. I told him if I paid he had to go, no backing out and no changing his mind.
I think a motivation in going and staying is the little cutie below,
his good friend Nyah. It doesn't hurt that he gets to ride to and from school on her golf cart.

Monday, September 7, 2009

Gangsta Slippers

Somehow the word gets out when your having a birthday...
Some of Chris' Saudi co-workers gave him these!
Chris is afraid to wear them around town not only because they are uniquely hand-made but also they are "Tribal Wear". What if he walks into the wrong tribe turf unknowingly?
I jest......the note that came with them said:
Happy Year (In Arabic)
Those are traditional hand-made sandals, which used to indicate the root of the person wearing them.
Fact: They expand/shrink to fit your feet size "Intelligent Arabian Sandals"
Mullrem &; Shawly
Don't worry we are straight:)
They are way too beautiful to wear so Chris and I decided we'd rather display them up as art!

Saturday, September 5, 2009

A Dessert Glutton's Birthday

The night started out with this.....
A chocolate fountain with marshmallows, strawberries, bananas, pretzels, and cookies to dip.
We can't forget the homemade Cream puffs and the Banana Berry Cake with Cream Cheese Frosting.

When the guests showed up we also had a Strawberry Meringue Cake and a Blueberry Cheese Cake.
We had a full house (25+/-) with loads of kids.

I'm not sure who had more fun, Zach and Ethan having so many friends over or Chris who loves dessert and people to share it with.