Monday, August 17, 2009

Welcome Home

  • New Faucet- I can actually spray around the entire sink in my kitchen.
  • Painted Kitchen - It is one shade lighter green than my AK kitchen and I love it
  • Painted Living Room - It's way darker than what I had planned but it looks really good.
  • Painted Bedroom - The color is o.k. but it changes from blue to gray to almost a light lavender depending on the time of day.
  • Legos Legos Legos - Chris rebuilt all of Zach's Lego sets and put them around his room. The squeals of excitement were so high pitched! The boys have played with them constantly since we've been home. Even Ethan has behaved himself....with a few reminders.
  • Mouse Droppings - Yes there is a vermin in my kitchen. The traps are set, I have had holes siliconed closed that I found behind the oven, and I keep RE CLEANING everything. I feel so violated every time I think about it.
Our house is finally starting to feel like a real home.
I was having mixed feelings about returning. I think that is normal ones first time back but today I finally reconnected with some friends and remembered why I like this little community so very much. The lifeguards, grocery clerks, gardeners, and food servers have all welcomed us back by name and asked how our trip was and expressed how glad they are to see us again. I guess they missed being entertained by seeing a frazzled American women trying to keep three her boys in line.
We are settling in doing more home decor projects, getting ready for school, and tending to Graham who is still pretty much a basket unlike him. I am eager to have my happy good sleeper back. We have also enjoyed some wonderful family time with DAD.

1 comment:

  1. When I was 4 we spent a winter with my Grandparents and when we got home in March my dad had built a Huge snowman, I was so excited to be back home! What is going on with poor Graham? I hope he gets back to normal soon. I would be freaking out about the rodent situation, I am beyond grossed out by them, yuck! Good luck.
