Sunday, August 16, 2009

60 TO 120 Degrees in 30 Hours

That's why I have not returned emails or phone calls.

The connections were smooth and the flights were long but Zach and Ethan were great! Graham was more of a challenge especially on the second two flights. However, on both of those the surrounding passengers complimented the boys on their excellent behavior and were quite impressed with me for making the journey. I also had so many helping hands along the way from kind passengers. Some went above and beyond in assisting me.

I never want to travel that far alone again....but I can't guarantee that I won't have to. Plus the boys will be into a new phase by then so the challenges will be different. Like labor pain you don't every want to experience it again but know sometime in the future you will and with time you forget exactly how painful it was.

The boys slept off and on but I got NO sleep so I am trying to recover. Zach and Ethan are almost back on schedule. They have been getting up early every morning (like 5AM) and since school will start shortly I plan on trying to keep them on it but not quite so early. Graham however, is completely not himself. He's a bit grumpy and with out a good sleeping schedule day or night and JUST WANTS HIS MOMMY. I can't blame the little guy I just turned his world upside down again.

As for Chris his bachelor days are over....and he likes it that way.

Yesterday, we finally met with the audiologist to have Ethan's hearing checked as he is CONSTANTLY asking us to repeat ourselves. His hearing was great just waxy ears.

I very much appreciate every ones thoughts and prayers during our journey. They definitely gave me the strength to handle the trip. We miss AK but it was time to be a family again.


  1. I hope you are getting alot of time to rest (I don't know if that's possible or not) since the boys are back with their Daddy. Is Zach excited for school? Senneca and Connor have either been fighting really bad or getting into trouble together, so I am very ready for them to be more occupied.

  2. So glad you made it home safely, there is something about Ak, that makes it hard to return home, no matter where that is. Post some pics of the new house color. We are so happy you are liking it there. It's funny how when you start referring to the new place as "home", it really starts to feel like that. So welcome home. We have 97 more days until we meet the newest jackson, we are not finding out the gender, and are very excited to meet him/her??!! Enjoy your last few days until school. Love reading your blog and following your adventures. take care
