Sunday, January 18, 2009

I Keep Finding This....

I keep finding this little guy smiling and laughing at his mobile.

... his thumb replacing his binkie

... Grandma missing him like crazy

... this little guy is growing so fast.

Please slow down! I am enjoying you so much just the way you are.

Zach and Ethan can really get him cooing and smiling. It just melts my heart to see him get so excited when I walk into his line of vision. I am so in love.

This little guy continues to be a DREAM. He is such a sweetheart. He is eating and sleeping well with a 6 hour stretch at night. It's amazing that you've only been with us not quite 3 months. We don't even remember what it was like without you.

I hardly held him last week at church - all the ladies just fought over him. He's the only baby right now.


  1. He is so cute! I would be so sad to see him grow up too. What a doll! I bet your mom is just dying. It's not like she can just make a quick trip to visit you guys. If I have grandkids as cute as he is, I will always want to be within kissing distance. Thanks for sharing the pictures.

  2. It looks like Graham is doing great. The house you live in is what I have lived in from birth to age 14. Navy housing of course. Looks like you guys are doing good.
