Friday, January 30, 2009

Blood, Butter, & a Glimpse of the Future

Joining the Golf Club has been more than we bargained for. Not only are we making lots of great friends but after my first golf lesson Wednesday night I found I really liked it.

Maybe I just liked spending time with Chris without the boys... only time will tell.


After a bit of socializing Zach decided to shut down the Golf Social by falling off some railing and landing on his head resulting in our first trip to the ER. Not 10 minutes before the accident I thought to myself as the boys were doing boy things, 'we have yet to have stitches in our family.' Then I scolded myself for even thinking such a thing.

I am proud of Chris for NOT passing out upon seeing the injury. He even carried Zach to the car and stood by him the whole time. Zach was EXTREMELY brave throughout the whole ordeal and thought riding in the front seat of the car was way cool. (Reminder we have no seat belt laws or child safety laws in the country. It is not unusual to see an infant being held in the front seat and kids climbing all over a moving vehicle. But in camp there is no real threat because we can't go fast and there is no traffic.) I insisted on glue instead of stitching. So we were in and out in 45 minutes, no paperwork, no signatures, no insurance cards, no co-payment... just care. He even got a tour of the ambulance on our way out.


Until we get a car we take the bus into Dhahran for church. We get on at 7:50, make one bus change, and arrive around 10:30, making it just in time for the Sacrament. We then have the option of hustling back to the bus for a direct 2:00 bus ride home, or stay until 4:30 and return home the way we came.

We have opted for the 4:30 so we can get some food before returning home. Instead of a "Feed The Missionary Calendar" our ward has a "Feed the Jenkins and Let their Boys Ransack the House Calendar." So far it's been a great way to meet the families in our ward. We figure by the time we get through all the families they might have forgotten what it was like having us over and invite us again.

Ethan does put on a show. Today as everyone was getting seated he stood up, grabbed a knife, cut off about 2 tbs. of butter and ate it before Chris could get to him. Moments later he repeated it for an encore.

This family, however, was not the least bit shocked as they have a family of four boys from ages 8-16. We spent the entire time swapping boy stories. They even have an Ethan too. It was kinda weird because the mom was married at 27 and had her first at 29... just like me.

I have felt for a while that Graham would not be our last. Sometimes I think it would be fun to have a girl but the more I hear about raising girls I think I might want one more boy... smelly feet and all. We really enjoyed our afternoon with this family and look forward to the day when our boys are a bit older and we can laugh and joke together about the crazy things they did as young kids... because by then it will be funny.

One last thing. Zach is picking up Arabic. When we got off the bus he said a few things to the bus driver. We asked him where he learned to say that and he said he didn't know. He just picked it up listening to other people. That is sooooo coooooool!


  1. I'm glad Ally found your blog (she may have known about it before, but it's just recently been added to our favourites list).

    Sounds like you're having quite an adventure. If you're ever passing through London, please let us know.

  2. Wish I could be on the FTJ calendar! Sounds like fun. Who needs boring Sundays where you just go to church and then come right home, eh? I like to golf too. Well, the 3 times I have gone.

  3. Poor Zach! I hope I haven't jinxed myself too, I was just thinking the same thing about Connor. Reggie and I loved taking golf together; I'm glad you and Chris are having some alone time. Have you found a good sitter?
