Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Tip Of The Day

When using an ATM, cover your PIN number as you punch it in!

We live in a cash-preferred society here. You can use credit cards in some establishments, but they take eons to process, are frequently declined for no reason, or just don't work. So we have kept our bank in America and just use our ATM card... until it suddenly stopped working! 

Is it the machine or the card? You think okay, I'll try again in a few days, but it still doesn't work. When you're down to your last 50 dollars it's time to call the bank and see what's going on.

Apparently there were some suspicious withdrawals in Great Britain to the tune of $6K and our account is frozen. We have not been to Great Britain in years, but we have been to Budapest, where we and some others from our trip improperly exposed our pin numbers when withdrawing cash and now are "paying" the consequences.

But get this, we have only one outstanding check in the mail and it's on its way to church headquarters. There is just enough money left in the account to cover that check. How embarrassing would that be? Nobody wants to bounce a tithing check.

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