Saturday, October 31, 2009

Spooktacular Weekend

Our Spooktacular weekend started off with a community
Harvest/Halloween Carnival.

This is one thing I love about living on a small camp. We can hold real community events and enjoy each others cultural diversity. At Ramadan, a Muslim holiday, they invited us to celebrate with them. In turn we had Americans, Latins, Saudis, Arabs from other nations, and Indians all gathering to join in our fun.

I set up two games, the T-Ball game above and the
golf toss shown below. Both of mine were a hit with the kids but it may have been the prizes of kool aid and popcorn balls more than the games.

Kids and

adults dressed up. Some just wore their Abayas and masks....that was freaky. Does that count as keeping your face covered?
All the proceeds of the night went to Sock It To 'Em, a charity run by our friend Kirk that buys socks for workers here on camp.

after months and months of waiting Halloween is here.

The boys have begged and begged to wear these costumes for months. But this momma knows all too well that they would be sick of the costumes by Oct. if I let them wear them too soon.

Graham was the cutest Baby Vader with the perfect evil laugh to go with it. He is very good at copying sounds so Chris would pretend to laugh and Graham would copy.

You can trick or treat here but we did very little of that. Instead we went to the Youth Center for some fun. After a parade of costumes they provided, pizza, hot dogs, and chicken nuggets for all the kids followed by an outside movie.
Ethan LOVES to battle with the light sabers but weapons and groups of small children don't mix. Shortly after this picture the light sabers had to take a time out due to unintentional facial contact with a curious toddler.

While the kids did their thing some of the parents pot-lucked it outside in our friends driveway.

Ethan is using "THE FORCE" on something....maybe to keep mom away from the car. He didn't want to go home.

Instead of talk to the hand he sometimes tries to use the force to keep me from giving him a consequence.

1 comment:

  1. michelle, we so seriously miss you and your boys. The stories are sooo much fun..
    keep em coming.
