Tuesday, September 29, 2009


I remember liking boys as early as preschool. I remember a specific conversations with a friend about a boy named Zach who had promised to marry us both.
Later I remember boys doing tricks and stunts at our (my group of girlfriends) bidding to try and impress us.
So I shouldn't be surprised that both Zach and Ethan have shown interest in girls at such a young age. For instance my boys have never once suggested to play house or babies or anything like that on their own. However, whenever a little girl friend is around and suggests it they are totally willing to do so.
Also during the second week of school Zach came home and sighed, "I hope I get to sit next to Lana soon." "Why?", I asked. "Because I just love her voice."
Wouldn't ya know the week he's assigned to sit next to her she was out sick half the week.
Then today Zach explained that during cooking time he couldn't sit next to Anya but across from her and how that was just as good as getting to sit next to her.
Ethan's love interest right now is our cute neighbor Nyah.
Not only can she persuade him but I use her too. I can get him to do or not do things with a no seeing Nyah consequence.
Zach has kissed Nyah in the past, while playing house, but has shown her no interest for several weeks. So I hope down the road there is no brotherly feud.
So when Ethan came home from playing with Nyah yesterday I was only slightly shocked to see this.....
I casually said, "Oh so you've got marker on your face."
He and Nyah, at her suggestion, painted each other's faces.
Luckily it was washable and came off later while swimming at the pool.

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