Sunday, June 7, 2009

Boys Are So Gross

I'm surrounded, outnumbered, and often disturbed by the things little boys do in my house. It all started about three years ago when E and Z started bathing together. They found it funny to grab, pull, or yank on each other's privates. Then they started peeing on each other. All this funny business has stopped but E continues to drink the bath water. He also drops his pants wherever he feels the need to pee. Last week after breakfast I heard him head to the garage where I found him peeing. He missed everyone's shoes but his own. The crocs got a good bath after that. For someone who practically potty trained himself I am very surprised by this behavior.

Their small belches I can handle for now but the gas... E makes a point to hunt his father down just to pass gas on him. Anytime he passes gas he says, "Mom ask who stinks" and won't stop until I ask. He has also started storing his boogers in his bellybutton! He loves to come in the morning and purposely blow his stinky breath on you. When I tell him he let a dragon walk through his mouth during the night he says, "yeah and a couple of dogs too." Can you believe this kid? I seriously don't know where he comes up with this stuff.

The other son often puts his fingers in things or places then asks you to sniff them. I am glad they don't know about pull my finger yet.

These are NOT learned behaviors. We have in no way demonstrated or encouraged these behaviors in our children. I shudder to think what levels of grossness they will reach in the following years.

Now for the SWEET stuff. Both of my boys are very loving. The one that is disciplined the most is also the most lovey and snuggly and tells me several times a day how much he loves me. They can play nicely together and help one another out on the computer. They love to watch movies together and like to stop aliens, robbers, and monsters from getting into the house. They love snack time together and doing art projects. One will always finish what the other doesn't eat. They both offer the sweetest prayers when they take their turns and love reciting the Articles of Faith. They also love to make G smile and laugh. So behind all those mud pies are brilliant smiles.

Graham has so much to learn and will have wonderful example of the crude and rude as well as the sweet and endearing.

I document all this so that years from now they might be disturbed by all this too... then again they might just high five each other.

1 comment:

  1. Boys are awesome! Chris, I can't believe they don't know "pull my finger" yet. You must be working hard these days. Can't wait for the next update. We miss you guys.
