Monday, June 8, 2009

Smiles For Grandmas

Graham turned 7 months on our 7th Anniversary.
His nickname right now is Grabby Graham because if it's in site he will grab for it.
He continues to be easy going and sweet.

He is sitting up really well.

He gets mad if you take a toy away.

He scoots himself backwards when on his tummy or back.

He makes squeals to communicate.

He slept 12 hrs. the last two nights.

He does not like to be in the house all day.

He gets roughed up a little by his brothers.
Loves to play in his exerciser.

He is becoming an excellent swimmer.

I have been working on putting him under water. He now knows all the cues and when I say three is all ready to hold his breath under water. His tear ducts are still clogged causing reoccurring conjunctivitis. He HATES the eye drops we have to do.

1 comment:

  1. What a sweet boy! He is adorable. I think you are flying today...I am praying for you as we speak! Love ya-Jen
