Monday, April 19, 2010

Got Dirt?

This is my kitchen sink.

The tap on the Rt. is for sweet water...that means it's drinkable (we choose not to) and won't leave spots on your dishes. We drank it using a Brita Filter but it didn't change the taste so we've started buying the 5 Gallon Water Bottles.

The tap on the Lt. is for raw water for bathing and cleaning. In our camp you can water your plants and flowers with it but in other camps its way to salty and kills everything.

The raw water pipes in camp are completely corroded and in the process of being replaced. During this process it leads to temporary shut downs around camp. Utilities is polite enough to send out notices both on our doors and by email about shut downs in our area.

We aren't so sure they understand the water system because:

Our water keeps getting turned off when we aren't scheduled to have it so. When I call utilities to inform them they say, "What, your water is off? You're not on the list of houses to have your water off." "Well it's off." I reply. Then they tell me it should be on around 2pm. Thanks I just ran a 5K in 90+ heat it would have been nice to know ahead of time.

Sometimes the sweet water pressure drops to nothing. Why is this if it's not supposed to effect the sweet? This also causes the dishwasher to not have enough umph to do it's job.

Then the best part, after a shut off the water is dirty dirty DIRTY brown in both RAW & SWEET .....sometimes for days.

We were all questioning this but our friends were concerned enough to call and have the water tested. The results came back negative for chemicals and were told it's just DIRT.

We just had to laugh because it's apparently OK to have DIRT in both your drinking and cleaning water.

So are we cleaner after showering? I like to wash all my fruits and veggies when I get home from the store are they cleaner or am I just adding dirt?

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