Saturday, April 18, 2009

A Very Merry Unbirthday

The other morning upon waking up this child insisted that it was his birthday. I tried to help him understand that it wasn't but he wasn't going for it. Every time I turned around he was climbing counters pulling out birthday hats, tablecloths, napkins, and later birthday candles.
He was not asking for presents but he did want a party. By the end of the day I gave in. I was not about to make a cake so we compromised on Happy Birthday Cookies.
After a couple rounds of the Happy Birthday song, Ethan made a wish and and pretended to blow out an imaginary flame on his number 3 candle.

We all had a great time celebrating Ethan's unbirthday.

When I asked what he wished for he said..."An Empty Dish."

It didn't take long an all our dishes were empty.
Poor dad was out getting the car windows tinted...he misses all the fun!

I have the cutest boys!

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