Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Artist or Engineer

Zach loves ART! He comes home from school and wants to draw and color and create. He is also very SMART! Perhaps even freakishly so. His little sponge of a mind impresses us each day with multiplication problems, grammar explanations, and all sorts of wonderful things he's learning in school. Often,  artists are told to write or paint about things they know and are familiar with. As of late we've hung pages and pages of different very detailed Star Wars scenes.

Then two days ago he surprised me with this: a diorama of how oil travels from well to port with a 3-D pipeline.

He explained that the oil starts coming up at the well and travels down the pipeline.

It then passes by a camel...

curves by an oasis... and on through the desert...

until it reaches a cargo boat where it's put into barrels and taken where it needs to go.

This process has not been explained to him, so he must have picked it up in bits and pieces on our weekly drives through the oil field. He has not seen a refinery as they aren't in our part of the kingdom. I assume this is why this step is missing.

Zach was so excited to show Chris what he made and is hoping Chris will hang it up in his cube at work. Chris was impressed and wondered if they had talked about it at school. My thought was, yeah right. This may be an Aramco schoolm but I seriously doubt that this is in the Kindergarten curriculum.

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