Tuesday, March 1, 2011

A Boy And His Trike

We may have another serious cyclist on our hands!

What started out as little trips up and down our street and sometimes around the corner have become long journeys all over camp. This little guy just goes and goes and goes. The other afternoon he rode 1/4 of a mile on his little trike. And when he's done he doesn't fuss he just gets off and starts walking home.

If it is too dusty to play outside he begs for me to bring it inside. With a ranch style house that is fully tiled all it takes is a little wipe down of the wheels and he's off! I'm glad he's happy with this option because even though it's pleasant now before we know it the intense heat will be back....with a vengeance.

1 comment:

  1. G is really good on that trike! I liked seeing videos of your area too; the streets look so pretty. You should do some more videos of the kids in your yard and house too; I get a lot better picture of what its like.
