Wednesday, December 15, 2010

I'm So In Love With

This Little Guy!

Zach was such a good baby we wanted another one right away. Ethan too was a good baby but by 18 months became a handful, and still is today, but that made us wait a bit longer for the third. I think having two close together also made it difficult for me to enjoy the toddler stages of the first two. Graham was an exceptional baby we sometimes forgot he was there ;) because he was so content. At 9 months he began to self entertain which continues today. So now I'm at a point where I ask myself daily should we end on a good note or go for one more? That is still open for debate.

Every day I wake up expecting the terrible twos to start and they just haven't. Although he is not perfect such as throwing tennis balls at the TV, hitting his brothers if they try to kiss him and says, "No Kiss!", or climbing up to get into my makeup. Our little comedian's number one response when I ask him To Do something or Not To Do something is, "OK Mommy." Then he actually stops and doesn't do it again. He always says he's sorry if he hurts you or does something wrong and if you really want a kiss, don't steal them just ask nicely and he'll give them freely then clap in excitement about how nice he is.
He LOVES to make faces to get people to laugh at him, as seen above. He has just started pedaling his tricycle himself, loves to play basketball and tennis, and enjoys launching our stomp rocket in his spare time. His favorite book is Potty Time With Michael and has begun to show interest in the potty that doesn't include flushing massive amounts of toilet paper down it.

I am so enjoying the TERRIFIC TWOS as mine is an absolute dream.

1 comment:

  1. I love the update on G. He is so cute! We're facing that same debate right now, let me know how it goes for you . . .
